FAQ - About SleepUp
Last update: December 4th, 2023
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1. What is SleepUp?
SleepUp is a digital platform that improves your sleep through lifestyle tips, music, guided meditation, mindfulness and virtual therapy. We monitor, analyze and track your progress with journaling, testing, reporting and wearable technologies.
2. Who is Dr Luna?
Dra Luna is the virtual assistant of SleepUp. She will guide you throughout the treatment, like a virtual therapist, through notifications sent via the application.
3. What techniques are used by Sleepup?
SleepUp uses techniques of CBTi (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia), as well as Mindfulness MBCT (Mindfulness -Based Cognitive Therapy and MBSR - Mindfulness -Based Stress Reduction).
4. Does Sleepup diagnose insomnia?
SleepUp evaluates behaviors and complaints related to insomnia, as well as the severity of associated symptoms. However, the formal diagnosis of insomnia is clinical and should be made by a qualified doctor or in pharmacies and drugstores that offer digital therapy of Sleepup. In pharmacies and drugstores, you can do insomnia tests and home examination to find out if you have insomnia or apnea.
5. Does Sleepup replace polysomnography?
Our application does not replace polysomnography. Firstly because this exam is the method of choice for the diagnosis of many sleep disorders and Sleepup is an option already for the treatment of disorders and sleep complaints.
The diagnosis is clinical and needs to be performed by a specialized doctor or a pharmaceutical clinic that offers digital sleep therapy. Soon, Sleepup will launch the track for home sleep examination with the electroencephalogram (EEG) range, which will assist in the clinical diagnosis of your sleep complaint.
6. Will Sleepup give information about the sleep phases?
The only certified mode for evaluation and quantification of sleep stage is polysomnography. Applications or devices that offer information about sleep stages are usually not validated and are subject to errors and inaccuracies. In the currently available version, Sleepup will not offer information about the phases and stages of sleep, due to the commitment to offer reliable information only. However, we offer estimates about sleep stages by integrating with Samsung Health.
7. How do I talk directly with Sleepup?
You can talk to us by selecting the 'Help' option. To access, simply click on the main menu (above and left of the home screen) or send an email to support@sleepup.com.br
8. ¿Cuáles son las fuentes utilizadas para crear los contenidos que están en la aplicación?
1. Drowding resistance scale (we use as substitute for the EPWorth drowsiness scale)
2. Sleep Quality Clinical Inventory (Substitute to Pittsburgh's sleep quality index).
2.1. Fernández-Cruz et al. Sleep SCI. 2016; 9: 216-220.
4. Sleep hygiene scale
4.1. Mastin et al. J Behav Med. 2006; 29 (3): 223-227.
4.2. Tonon et al. Sleep SCI. 2020; 13 (1): 37-48.
5. Morning and Vespertinity Questionnaire
5.1. Horne and Ostberg. Int J CHronobiol. 1976; 4 (2): 97-110.
5.2. Benedito-Silva et al. Prog Clin Biol Res. 1990; 341b: 89-98.
6. DBAs
6.1. MORIN et al. Psychol Aging. 1993; 8 (3): 463-467.
6.2. Espie et al. J Psychosom Res. 2000; 48 (2): 141-148.
7. BDI
7.1. Beck et al. Behav res th. 1997; 35 (8): 785-91.
8.1. Chung et al. Anesthesiology. 2008; 108 (5): 812-821.
8.2. Farney et a. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. 2011; 7 (5); 459-465.
9. Kupperman index (menopause module)
9.1 Kupperman et al. Jama. 1959; 171: 1627–1637.
10. Child sleep (special module)
10.1. Bruni et al. J Sleep Res. 1996; 5 (4): 251-61.
10.2. Ferreira et al. Sleep Med. 2009; 10 (4): 457-63.
11. IPAQ (Exercise Module)
11.1. Craig et al. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 2003; 35: 1381-1395.
12. Apnea tests
12.1 Chung et al. Anesthesiology. 2008; 108 (5), 822–830.
12.2. Ahmadi et al. Sleep and Breathing. 2008; 12 (1), 39–45.
12.3. Netzer et al. ANN INTERN MED. 1999; 131 (7): 485–491.
12.4 Carry CE; Buysse DJ; Ancoli-Israel S; Edinger JD; Krystal AD; Lichstein KL; Morin cm. The Consensus Sleep Diary: Standardizing Prospective
Sleep Self-Monitoring. SLEEP 2012; 35 (2): 287-302.
Relaxation and Meditation Module
1.1. NEFF, Kristin. Mindfulness and Self -pity Manual: Artmed, 2019.
1.2. Meditation in daily life
2. NEFF, Kristin. Mindfulness and Self -Cyplacy Manual: Artmed, 2019
2.1. WILLIAMS, Mark. Full attention. Rio de Janeiro, Sextant 2015.
3. Calm down
3.1. Adapted from Beck, Emery and Greenberg (1985) by Bernard Rangé,
Depression module
1. Cognitive model of depression
1.1. BECK, A.ET.AL Cognitive Therapy of Depression Porto Alegre: Artmed 2012
2. Establishing new thoughts
2.1. Wood.J.C. The Cognitive Behavour Therapy Workbook for Personality Disorders.NEW HARBINGER, 2010
3. Coping card
TCCI Module (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)
1. Adapted activity of: Beck JS. Cognitive Therapy: Basics and Beyond New York: Guilford Press; 1995
2. Spielman A, Carus L, Glovinsky P. Psychiatr Clin North AM 1987; 10: 541-553.
3. Perlis ML, Lichstein KL, Eds. Treating Sleep Dysorders: Principles and Practice of Behavioral Sleep Medicine. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2003
4. PERLIS, Michael et al. Models of Insomnia. Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine, v. 5, n. 1, p. 850-850, 2011.
5. Morin cm, Espie Ca. Insomnia: The Clinical Guide to Assessment and Treatment). New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2003
6. Morin cm, Hauri PJ, Espie Ca, Spielman AJ, Buysse DJ, Bootzin RR. Nonpharmacologic Treatment of Chronic Insomnia. An American Academy of Sleep Medicine Review. Sleep 1999; 22: 1134-56
7. Drager ETAL. Guidelines on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Insomnia in Adults - Brazilian Sleep Association, Sleep Science, 2023. (New)
EEG Monitoring
1. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders [electronic resource]: DSM-5 / [American Psychiatric Association; Translation: Maria Inês Corrêa Nascimento ... et al.]; Technical Review: Aristides Volpato Cordioli ... [et al.]. - 5. ed. - Electronic data. - Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2014;
2. American Academy of Sleep Medicine. International Classification of Sleep Disorders. 3RD ED, Text Revision. DARIEN, Il: American Academy of Sleep Medicine; 2023.
1. L.LAN, K.TSUZUKI, Y.F.LIU, Z.W.LIAN, Thermal Environment and Sleep Quality: A Review, Energy and Buildings, 2017.
2. Olga Troynikov, Chris Watson and Nazia Nawaz, Sleep Environments and Sleep Physiology: A Review, Journal of Thermal, 2018
3. Website: Sleep Foundation | BETTER SLEEP FOR A BETTER YOU
Sleep, Oximeter and CPAP Diary Apnea
1. Poyares.D ET.Al: Proposed Management Model Using Telemonitrament in Adherence to Positive Pressure Equipment in Air Roads. ABMS - 2019
2. HADDAD, Fernanda; Bittencourt, Lia. Recommendations for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Adult Sleep Obstructive Apnea Syndrome - São Paulo: Estação Brasil, 2013
3. Gumb et al. Sleep Breath. 2018 March; 22 (1): 139–147.