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Help us test our app and earn benefits!

SleepUp is an application that fights insomnia and is constantly evolving to  that our solutions are  getting better and better so that our purpose of democratizing sleep health is fulfilled.


For this evolution to continue, we need you to be part of our usability testing or clinical research. See below about them, fill out the forms and earn benefits.


Free access to a SleepUp Paid Plan


Promotional Voucher*


Usability Tests

In order to constantly improve our digital therapy platform, we are recruiting people who want to participate in our usability tests.

* Voucher valid only for Usability Test


Clinical Research

Ideal for people who suffer from insomnia or other sleep related problems. The aim of our study is to improve the Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia offered by SleepUp, in order to examine its effectiveness in decreasing the levels of insomnia.


Logo da SleepUp
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